My testimony, where it all began.

The idea of creating an organization to address issues related to the disintegration of the family unit was born in 2008 when I was still in university. I am a person strongly committed to the integral development of the human being. Indeed, the Earth remains a place reserved for humans to live in harmony with each other, to protect the environment, flora, and fauna. It is humanity's first responsibility to contribute to managing resources and ensuring good harmony among all living beings on Earth. The fundamental question I asked myself was: Why so many calamities, inhumane treatments, intra-family conflicts, abuse in all its forms in this world, inequalities, selfishness, poverty? One of the causes is the heart and thoughts of humans focused on negative things, the destruction of fundamental principles and landmarks set by the Creator and those established by various past pioneers taken as fathers. All these atrocities are caused by humans who originate from the union of two individuals of opposite sexes. What if we concentrated some of our efforts on restoring the family unit according to the original thought of Elohim, the Creator God of heaven and earth? What if people who want to start a family first reflected on the responsibilities that await them and their respective roles as husband and wife? What if the family became an environment in which the individuals who compose it are thriving, fulfilled because they discover who they are and the purpose of their existence? I am convinced that there is an awakening that will shake billions of families in the world and will have repercussions in various sectors of life. Thus, the family will become a pillar capable of producing significant human capital, stable and responsible men and women.

May divine grace abound in your life.

Teddy Claude Harushimana


True Life:

Evangelism and discipleship: Raising awareness in individuals to live for Christ and for the Good News.

Couple life and children's education:

To create harmony in the life of a couple and equip parents to raise their children well.


Understanding the institution of marriage: its principles and requirements.

Empowerment of families:

discover oneself, produce, invest in order to be financially independent.

Community development:

To make our communities green, happy, and responsible

Humanitarian action:

To organize humanitarian interventions wherever the need arises.

Strategic leadership:

To promote leadership based on Christian values, respect for the family, responsible succession, and an unwavering legacy.

about us


A world where every family is stable, responsible, and prosperous.


To make the family a pillar of holistic development

General objective

To make the family a place where its members thrive and live a healthy life


Dedication, Respect, Fidelity, Mutual aid, Insightfulness, Fairness, Sustainability

Our biblical foundation


Incabwenge Initiatives

To help families in difficulty become capable of undertaking and financing the education of their children

Leader au Carré

To promote generational leadership built on respect for family values, altruism, and responsible succession

Isuka pour tous

Developing the agricultural sector through the distribution of hoes, seeds, and training on modern agriculture

Tuje hamwe

Psychosocial support and economic empowerment for single-parent families

Navo food

A nutritional and agro-pastoral training program

Kubwiwe outreach

Reaching individuals and marginalized groups with the message of Christ's love and providing them with provisions

Pleroma communications

The production of tools, communication materials, and the dissemination of messages to create strong and happy families